Unit 1/4: Characters and Backgrounds on Photoshop


I opened Photoshop and experimented with a lot of brushes and drew doodles of my character with them-some regular painting/drawing brushes and then some more abstract ones. I got some interesting effects with this, my favourite is in the lower left corner

Here I took one of the doodles of my character and used the photographs i’d taken earlier to colour her. To accomplish this I used layers and the lasso tool. I enjoyed the effect I managed to create because of her two toned hair.


I started using shape tools (the rectangle tool and line tool) to create a graveyard type background. I enjoyed the challenge of not really being able to create curves and so going for a more pixel art kind of effect:

Here I started working on using the line tool to create a background around my character. I did some details with the regular paintbrush tool

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